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Want in classroom of English of junior high school careful with multimedia

  • 卖家[上传人]:豆浆
  • 文档编号:11741458
  • 上传时间:2017-10-14
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    • 1、精品文档欢迎来主页查询更多精品文档,欢迎来我主页查询Want in classroom of English of junior high school careful with multimediaSummary: Multimedia measure of this one contemporary education, already was used extensively by broad pedagogue, but while its bring education benefit, the teacher notes its insufficient point even, be known correctly and use multimedia. Keyword: Multimedia; Education efficiency; Adverse effect; Know correctlyRegard information as the child of the times, multimedia technology is able to popularize

      2、 in English education gradually and apply, people expects to use multimedia technology to produce an effect to education means of English, promote English education quality thereby rise. Really, of multimedia technology apply broke the traditional teaching pattern that is a center with the teacher, let with might doubled of daily English education, added the interest sex of English classroom education and efficient sex. But use extensively of multimedia technology what also can cause partial Eng

      3、lish teacher is idolatrous, brought the negative effect that cannot ignore to English education. We talk about multimedia first now精品文档欢迎来主页查询更多精品文档,欢迎来我主页查询One, multimedia is in what English classroom efficiency is helpful for on certain level to riseThe research with psychological acknowledge makes clear, the information that learns in the persons lifetime has 94% is obtained through vision and hearing, among them 82% carry a vision, 12% pass hearing. Visible, eyespot is the mankind is the mos

      4、t important learn an organ. The research that cognitive psychology leads to memory discovers: Learn same material, sheet uses hearing, can remember after 3 hours 70% what learn, fall after 3 days for 10% ; Sheet uses a visual sense, the keep in the memory after 3 hours 72% , fall after 3 days for 20% the left and right sides; If vision and hearing are used at the same time, save after 3 hours 85% , the keep after 3 days 65% . The abstract thinking ability of student of junior high school is more

      5、 limited, multimedia market body, sound, smooth, color at an organic whole, it can will abstract, as dry as a chip study content change is figure, interesting, can inspect, audible change feeling content, can create the education scene of Wen Bingmao of a graph, vivid and dramatic, more the study characteristic that accords with student of junior high school. If lexical knowledge is involved to write down in 精品文档欢迎来主页查询更多精品文档,欢迎来我主页查询English study, pronunciation the understanding of culture of c

      6、ountry of correctional, English, local customs, if complementary with proper figure, sound, that classroom is sure vivid and dramatic, efficiency times add. Accordingly, multimedia is producing main effect in English education. 2, the adverse effect that multimedia may produce to English classroomThe author from expert 5 times below the problem that the face analysed multimedia to appear easily on English classroom. 1. seeks a form only, multimedia reveals content to copy or be arranged simply f

      7、or text contentMultimedia education measure regards a kind of contemporary education as technical measure, the purpose is to make what award content richer, figure, or it is to complement the necessary data that does not have on student textbook, will help a student master knowledge better with this. If multimedia is revealed content is text content copy or handle simply, the use of this one tool lost his due sense. The lesson that teacher of some 9 grade presents a student on a class as follows

      8、: The first piece: Unit problem 精品文档欢迎来主页查询更多精品文档,欢迎来我主页查询(Unit7Wherewouldyouliketovisit? )The 2nd piece: Basic vocabulary, sentence patternThe 3rd piece: Audition answerThe 4th piece: Audition material.Can imagine, how much can mode of this kind of use multimedia bring rise to education far from. Return some schools pure one of standards that regard assessment as to quantify a teacher the frequency of use multimedia, this is inevitable and ecbolic this kind of classroom that begs a form not to

      9、beg essence to rise only. 2. seeks luxuriant layout and animation result, dispersed the students attentionThe teacher can arrive in the collect on the network a lot of interesting, handsome space of a whole page and picture. To make slide beautiful, increase the students interest, some teachers like to use luxuriant printed sheet very much, insert all sorts of animation in slide, sound. For example, on the English class of a 9 grade, some teacher attends class demonstrated oneself “ elaborate “ the class of the design. Firm in the begining, the student is very interested in the first piece of setting of slide, 精品文档欢迎来主页查询更多精品文档,欢迎来我主页查询furtive comment in succession. The teacher is good not easy ability removeds their attention from this respect. When putting the 2nd piece of slide, the student was attracted by the little girl that dancing of right upper part again, it is in class lively. such, the students on class of full red-letter day give out amazed cr

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