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What the affection in education of shallow analyse English teachs is shirt-sleeve

  • 卖家[上传人]:豆浆
  • 文档编号:11741486
  • 上传时间:2017-10-15
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    • 1、精品文档欢迎来主页查询更多精品文档,欢迎来我主页查询What the affection in education of shallow analyse English teachs is shirt-sleeveEducation needs scientific sex, artistic quality not only, need affection as much. Great scientist Einstein has said: “To everything, having deep love for ability only is best teacher. “Love is affective foundation and expression. Without the teacher passion to the student, the student also does not respect a teacher, wont have successful education and teacher and student, wont have good st

      2、udy atmosphere. Accordingly, only contain affection teachs Yu Ying in language education, ability can get favorable education result. Affection education is strengthened in English education, should mix according to student physiology, psychology understanding feature, follow the general pattern that good feeling develops, set out from English course characteristic, article him union is old education carries out shallow analyse to be as follows. One, understand truely and have deep love for a st

      3、udentIf the teacher has deep love for a student, hold good hope to the student, so he can give a student in not self-conscious condition affirmative, praise and encourage, the student is in after getting encouragement, can arouse the 精品文档欢迎来主页查询更多精品文档,欢迎来我主页查询more genuine reliance to the teacher and respect, produce aspirant confidence and resolution. The child that the teacher treats a student to want to resemble treating his is same, go care, care they, make the student feels you are accessibl

      4、y, respected, calculable. Before every pupil is learning English, mix to English manner understanding is existence difference. Face these situations, teacher must not disappointing, should establish a neither one student to be able to learn English a such belief. Had this belief, ability can face each student, in them inconvenient moment have ones bosom filled with offers a help enthusiasticly and encourage them, when they have doubt, not tire of its are irritated ground, patient the ground is s

      5、olved. Had this belief, ability reveals a deep feeling that looks forward to their grow into useful timber before the student. Still answer to be contacted extensively with the student, do much thought work. Especially English class, light leans listen on classroom, say, experienced practice is far insufficient. The teacher after the class should go in the student more, mutual between many somes of understanding. 2, activate English atmosphere, pay attention to the education of language intercou

      6、rse ability精品文档欢迎来主页查询更多精品文档,欢迎来我主页查询The ability that develops a student to handle English communication is the core that executive English quality teachs, but the generation of the language and development need environment. And the classmate of English of begin to learn, devoid just is the intercourse environment of a kind of language, to make the student can have bold and fluent English communication, should use a variety of teaching methods, and in education of language of Yu Ying of contain

      7、affection education, arouse study interest of the student. A) makes be on duty for the day reportBe on duty for the day of before the class 5 minutes reports, exercised be on duty for the day to be born already, the audition that trained other student again, say ability. The report of be on duty for the day can use varied form, if perform dialog, introduction, play, guess riddle to wait. Be like: Be on duty for the day reports: TOdayIamonduty.Theweatherisfine.EveryoneishereexceptLiLei.Heisill.He

      8、isathome. After teachers and students is listening to be on duty for the day to lay a report, can report with respect to be on duty for the day content quizs, be like: Whoisilltoday? Whereishe? The audition that trains other student, say ability, can avoid other student to watch the 精品文档欢迎来主页查询更多精品文档,欢迎来我主页查询scene of bustle only so, the phenomenon that does not listen seriously. Hold on abidingly, everybody has exercise mouth English-speaking opportunity. B) scene educationScene education holds

      9、to in education, be helpful for active classroom atmosphere, enhance the interest sex of classroom, can develop language intercourse ability of the student more. Flexibility should notice when using teacher and student of scene of classroom inside and outside, want adapt oneself to changing circumstances. When learning adjectival comparative dergee, the superlative degree for example, smoke 3 classmates to undertake Tall/short, the study with the comparative dergee of these 4 words, ritzy Fat/thin. Still can use objective to wait like rule, writing case, desk and chair undertake Long/short, big/small, the comparative dergee of the adjective such as Heavy/light, ritzy study. Also can apply multimedia to wait when setting a scene have teacher and student. Such, turned classroom into a small stage undoubtedly, make the student gets take exercise and be carryinged out ceaselessly, make their English achieves the goal that intercourse changes. In the meantime, study a

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