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When do 46 level reflect of exam development about university English

  • 卖家[上传人]:豆浆
  • 文档编号:11741492
  • 上传时间:2017-10-14
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    • 1、精品文档欢迎来主页查询更多精品文档,欢迎来我主页查询When do 46 level reflect of exam development about university EnglishUniversity English 4, 6 class exam is a national English level exam, be in China already free travel is old. Of the person that it became broad graduate and to apply for a job already “ weight used on a balance “ , also entered a society to be opposite in the evaluation system of college education quality, its “ contain Troy “ taller. Accordingly, we must are opposite English 4, 6 class exam has thorou

      2、gh research, increase the strength of reform ceaselessly, advance university English thereby 4, the science that 6 class take an exam, harmonious, develop steadily. One, university English 4, the problem that 6 class exam existsThe amlposition of 1. exam purpose, pounded normal education orderTo the student character, 4, pass a barrier of exam of 6 class English is to obtain diploma and degree. What consider oneself professional to learn is again good, english has done not have class graduation

      3、is debatable. Even some college students and teacher want to use major 精品文档欢迎来主页查询更多精品文档,欢迎来我主页查询while and energy deal with English 4, the exam of 6 class, what disturbed the study of student major knowledge and job of whole school teacher and student badly is comprehensive finish. On this level, university English 4, system of 6 class exam deviated from social talent develops a target. 2. exam form is onefold, lack scientific sex, violate language law badlyAt present 4, form of exam of 6 class

      4、English is existing to shut an exam much, open-book examination is little; Take written examination form much, oral, rejoin the malpractice with little kind. Everybody is well-known, the language is the tool of communication, yo of language teach by word of mouth is a kind of education to creativity thinking ability and the gift of tongues, language kind course does not suit to standardize an exam. And English 4, what 6 class exam executes is answer standardization, demarcate is changed, it is n

      5、ot the gift of tongues of check student, and the language knowledge that depends on testing a student and language identify ability. The Chinese student that sees a few meetings do grammar of dig or dig out with a finger or sth pointed of problem, meeting also theres is no lack of beside us, after learning English 精品文档欢迎来主页查询更多精品文档,欢迎来我主页查询more than 10 years, still cannot express oneself opinion fluently. 3. exam content is one-sided, weigh intellectual light competence, cannot raise English lev

      6、el trulyActive 4, the content deflection that 6 class take an exam is mixed at the limits of delimit of fixed vocabulary, outline designation key. The problem of the exam unreasonable, the proportion of objectivity examination questions such as choice, judgement is large, and ponder over problem, innovation integratedly to unplug tall problem and analytics narrate the subjective sex such as the problem examination questions proportion is too little. Such exam makes major student is not paid atte

      7、ntion to at ordinary times learn and accumulate, word of the back before relying on to take an examination of, become imitate problem. Hold exam skill through inscribing the sea, the exam is over to forget, english level of the student did not get materiality rises, more do not talk to go up the education of innovation ability. Feedback of the analysis after 4. tries is insufficient, undertake school square with sponsor exam courtyard to be out of line精品文档欢迎来主页查询更多精品文档,欢迎来我主页查询Every time English

      8、 4, after 6 class exam ends very a bit longer after time, the student just gets result. Add the countrywide university that puts in Ministry of Education s charge to instruct department high the officer 4, the courtyard of each province exam that committee of exam of 6 class English belongs to, announce each college without what unite 4, percent of pass of 6 class exam, each respect makes the content that also did not take an exam to this, propositional, scale comprehensive and careful analysis.

      9、 Such hard to avoid are unwary the job such as evaluation of the examination paper analysis after taking an examination of, examination paper, come and can not feedback in time student, cannot let a student know he learns medium weak point and difference moreover, find out oneself advantage and inadequacy, adjust study method. Anyhow, all schools that run an exam and director exam orgnaization lack seasonable, accurate communication. 1 2 of on one page issues one page 2, when to think what 46 class exam develops about university EnglishPurpose of 1. regular examination, establish overall exam evaluation outlookAbove all, the purpose of clear exam controls in Yu Hong 精品文档欢迎来主页查询更多精品文档,欢迎来我主页查询view the education circumstance of the college, improve education and supervise and urge the implementation of higher education target. Ministry of Education and university English 4, committee of 6 class exam, never rigid requirement awards couple this exam achievement and

      《When do 46 level reflect of exam development about university English》由会员豆浆分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《When do 46 level reflect of exam development about university English》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

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