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Word of English of student of elementary school low grade knows the education strategy that reads capability

  • 卖家[上传人]:豆浆
  • 文档编号:11741646
  • 上传时间:2017-10-15
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    • 1、精品文档欢迎来主页查询更多精品文档,欢迎来我主页查询Word of English of student of elementary school low grade knows the education strategy that reads capabilitySummary: Elementary school low grade is the primary level of English study, the student had not learned letter, phonetic symbol, cannot be remembered by pronunciation rule and consolidate word, those who affected study interest of the student and knowledge is farther consolidate. Of English word admit reading is the foundation that pupil development reads all sort

      2、s of other capability such as ability, accordingly, it is very important that the research in English education fosters word of English of low grade student to know the strategy that reads capability. Keyword: Word of low grade student admits read capacity strategyMy area is used outside grind company teaching material of English of one year starting point, the student begins to learn English from one grade, but just begin to learn 26 English alphabet from 2 grade. In the discovery in teacher an

      3、d student of old low grade English, low grade student admits in the word read a respect to be put in greater 精品文档欢迎来主页查询更多精品文档,欢迎来我主页查询difficulty, although the student can say single word, but put in sentence or text, still do not know, the knowledge that goes against a student consolidates and skill rises. The student identifies those who read capability to rise to conduce to the ability that develops colloquial expression already, the English study that also is medium, high grade laid a founda

      4、tion. “ standard of national English course “ to elementary school English “ read “ ability target made specific provision. One class target is: Can learn to read with the aid of pictures; Can pointing to to admit below the premise that recognizes an object read place to learn a term; Simple conte can be understood below the help of the picture. Accordingly, it is very important that exploration fosters word of English of low grade student to know the strategy that reads capability. One, use par

      5、ent language effectively - the action of Chinese Phonetic AlphabetChinese serves as our mother tongue, wait for an advantage because of language environment, the student of elementary school low grade mastered Chinese Phonetic Alphabet, be recited with phoneticize and reading ability is formed basically. Because Chinese Phonetic Alphabet is 精品文档欢迎来主页查询更多精品文档,欢迎来我主页查询medium the pronunciation that has a lot of sound and English is similar, the initial consonant pronunciation in the consonant in be

      6、 like English and Chinese Phonetic Alphabet is very similar, the teacher uses Chinese Phonetic Alphabet and word vowel to undertake conciously “ figure is united in wedlock “ pedagogy, can use Chinese Phonetic Alphabet to arise to phonematic education migratory action, effectively help student is recited and admit read a word. Reduced a student to remember the pressure of the word already so, increased the interest of student learning English and enthusiasm again. 2, the means that uses formal d

      7、iversity presents a wordTo the perception of cognitive object and understanding, depend on greatly the means that appear. The means that the word presents, method should as far as possible varied, can wait with objective, picture, brief strokes, slide appear, also can pass guess riddle, do the activity such as game, taletelling to appear. If to be in the first year teachs the word Window of the things inside the classroom, Desk, Seat, Blackboard, Classroom, besides the language education on clas

      8、sroom, we stick word card to corresponding article, increased intuitionistic sex, 精品文档欢迎来主页查询更多精品文档,欢迎来我主页查询understand easily, increased the frequency that appear at the same time, the student mixes the spelling of English word easily read, meaning union rises, facilitating student admits read. 3, education points to read habit and capabilityThe student recognizes read premise is “ point to read “ , namely the student must be since one grade below pedagogic education conciously “ point to read a

      9、 new word “ . Arrived 2 grade, the teacher is in when teaching 26 English letters, should combine place to learn a word to teach, the letter of this word should point out when every teach a new term namely, one by one goes all out read, the book is empty (the strokes of similar Chinese new word practices) , guide a student to imitate a teacher to write. Nurturance point to the habit that reads whole word, with respect to meeting habit as the elevatory student of grade the ground points to read a sentence, include among them word, such, student learning rises to be able to feel relaxed, pressure is little. 1 2 of on one page issues one page 4, the design is aroused identify the writing on blackboard that reads interestThe teacher should take processing of daily writing on 精品文档欢迎来主页查询更多精品文档,欢迎来我主页查询blackboard seriously, the abstraction that writing on blackboard is pair of education content and wraparound. In guide when knowing newly present clear and effective

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