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Writing of foundation of high school English trains mode pre-test

  • 卖家[上传人]:豆浆
  • 文档编号:11741660
  • 上传时间:2017-10-15
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    • 1、精品文档欢迎来主页查询更多精品文档,欢迎来我主页查询Writing of foundation of high school English trains mode pre-testOne, setting introductionThe value that 1. foundation writesWritten expression is one of priority discipline that reflect student English to convey applied ability all the time, and the tall examination paper that saves in Guangdong in, this project cent is “ the foundation is composed “ and “ read keep the job “ , occupy 15 minutes to mix 25 minutes respectively. Among them, the standards of grading that

      2、the foundation composes makes clear cent to be face of language, content, coherent tripartite. A fine fundamental writing wants not only it is better that in the accuracy on grammar and sentential structure respect of tall, vocabulary is used, want to include all information content at the same time, make content coherent, and the structure is compact. 2. teaching material is analysedShenzhen city unites the teaching material that those who use is foreign language education and research press at

      3、 present (new standard) . This teaching material is abided by “ subject matter - function - structure - the task 精品文档欢迎来主页查询更多精品文档,欢迎来我主页查询“ write a principle, pay attention to education student to use English capacity, have stronger practical with maneuverability. 3. student circumstance is analysedThe school source of student that author place teachs is better, thinking is more active, foundation of most classmate English is good. In learning this process that covers teaching material, the act

      4、ual condition that the author often needs to join a student undertakes new conformity, proper compensatory and relevant content need in order to satisfy the students study to teaching material. 2, training target and methodBe aimed at the circumstance analysis of above, the author combines the different subject matter of teaching material in education practice, the topic sex that specific aim ground undertakes the foundation is composed trains, train expressive ability of the student stage by st

      5、age. Target of 1. knowledge skill(1) better land masters help student the commonly used expression of relevant topic in learning teaching material; (2) in the fundamental writing that help student learns 精品文档欢迎来主页查询更多精品文档,欢迎来我主页查询place expression to apply corresponding topic. 2. process and methodological end(1) through filling out a form, the commonly used expression of relevant topic in the teaching material of summary of means guidance student such as interlocution; (2) the job training stude

      6、nt such as setting discussion, interpreter, writing is right the applied ability of relevant expression; (3) through completing a basis independently writing fosters a student to be inscribed to this model reply ability. 3. affection manner and value target(1) the expression that English of sufficient affirmative student is conveyed and composes, promote their foundation the interest of writing and confidence ceaselessly; (2) the training that adopts standard and system, let a student experience

      7、 the achievement of English study feels; (3) guide a student to pay close attention to a society, take what love English language seriously to apply. 3, training mode designBelow beyond grind the company is mandatory TheViolenceofNature of 3 the 3rd module is exemple, the 精品文档欢迎来主页查询更多精品文档,欢迎来我主页查询topic sex that the topic that teaching material combines in introducing the author to be carried out in education has the foundation is composed trains a process. The input of the commonly used express

      8、ion of 1. relevant topic. Written expression is belonged to “ output “ project, the student must have relevant “ input “ , ability conveys a corresponding content well and truly. In this module, two in teaching material reading material in reading article and Workbook refer nature calamity. In education practice, I made the form below, right column content fills in to make summary to relevant expression after guiding a student to learn teaching material. Content conveys methodological give typic

      9、al examplesA word summarizes some disaster to make a surprise attack somewhere or confront some disaster somewhere, include specific date. AviolentearthquakestruckXinjiangUygurAutonomousRegionsonMonday24February, 2003. Theworsthurricanedisasterofalltimeoccurredonthe8thSeptember1900inGalveston, texas. 精品文档欢迎来主页查询更多精品文档,欢迎来我主页查询Suffer calamity circumstance Onaverage, thereare800tornadoesintheUSeachyear, causingabout80deathsand1, 500injuries. Theworsttornadoofalltimeoccurredin1925, affectingthreeUSstates. Thefiresburnedforthreedays, destroyingatotalof25, 000buildings. Bythetimeitended, morethan700peoplehadbeenkilledand2, 700hadbeeninjured. Theearthquakehaslefttensofthousandsofpeoplehomeless. Rescuing circumstance Fortunately, rescueworkersarrivedveryquickly. ByTuesdaymostoftheinjuredhadreceivedmedicalcareorhadgonetohospital. After the student completes form, I guide a student to pay close attention to among them expression law (bold-face par

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