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2016, SME survival crisis how to reverse-

  • 卖家[上传人]:豆浆
  • 文档编号:11755609
  • 上传时间:2017-10-14
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    • 1、12016, SME survival crisis how to reverse?In reality, carnage, flesh and blood cross-flow SMEs everywhere. How to do? Future SMEs must learn to win, wins in the change. Morning, the owner received a few calls. The other hand are known products are so good, but are facing difficulties to promote, in fact, in my opinion, comes down to four questions: 1. stubborn attitude, you know there is no market value would not exist; 2, do not produce speak do not know the content of the story spread, good th

      2、ings is not crying does not show is useless; 3, do not take the situation worthless leveraging experience, narcissistic, immune, narcissistic meaningless; 4, points of interest and lack of perceived product portfolio strategy . Sometimes I think, really odd strange, many business owners on the market, are not familiar with marketing, do not understand it without the courage to produce a wide variety of products out of piles and preconceptions, wishful thinking, vowed to open market door, which i

      3、n addition naive What else? Market competition is brutal, but it does not mean that all SMEs will lose living space. The key is that SMEs have a positive attitude to reform and change thought to earn a 2living, deep thinking how in the limited time, to effectively enhance their strength. In this regard, well-known brand marketing expert, Columbia Blue Ocean International Marketing consultants Chi founder in Fiji teacher presents dynamic equilibrium marketing idea, the idea that: Change and adjus

      4、t planes or formal marketing process is not static, but a dynamic product and market gaming in the interpretation of the equilibrium state of the product in addition to the internal quality improvement, leading tech and advanced production technology outside the one hand, it needs to have a unique position different from similar competitors, selling and differentiated mode of operation, in other words, is to have the core competitive advantage; on the other hand, the key is not the most importan

      5、t of all energy, material and financial resources to focus on product the material properties of their own brains, but need to consider how the internal strengths and external promotion measures in resources consolidation on the basis of fully demonstrate the personal qualities. In order to achieve a balance between inside and outside, and drop in both butt generated through a variety of ways to give full dynamic adjustment to compensate, thus avoiding the resulting 3market risk. Obviously, this

      6、 idea is for small and medium enterprises survive the current difficulties, the operation raised the status quo is not working. In this marketing, market, competitiveness and other words flying fashion era, filed marketing, always so many SMEs and executives love to hate: if the enterprise to survive, we must be competitive, if the enterprise to be competitive, it is necessary to do a good job market, if the good market, it must be marketing, this is the everlasting truth! From this reason it ca

      7、n be concluded: the achievements of SMEs to market, the key is to learn to utilize marketing this tool. Well-known brand marketing expert teacher in Fijis dynamic equilibrium marketing theory to explain the three main areas, namely differentiation, vivid and humane. Differentiated marketing - to allow SMEs to take the lead in the competition Father of Competitive Strategy Michael Porter pointed out that enterprises in market competition in order to survive, or have a cost advantage, or the imple

      8、mentation of differentiation strategy - there are differences in order to have the market in order to remain undefeated in the same competition in the industry ground. SMEs in order based on the market, first of all 4have to attract the attention of consumers of products or services. In all walks of life growing homogenization of today, in the development of small and medium enterprises must be based on product innovation, and create a differential advantage in the course of the operation, and b

      9、usiness, products and optimize the combination of price, and create a new market structure. But also continue to introduce unique new products, development of potential consumer demand, seeking new customers growth. Truly no one I have, I have excellent! However, the product homogeneity of today, the service homogeneity, convergence is increasingly emergent. Just look for the difference is not enough, we also face a personalized focus on customer needs from the consumer era, in addition to attention to customer needs, but also to customers differentiated customized services. The traditional selling products, selling services to sell the steering transition needs to provide premium services to create greater value for customers, clients and achieve positive interaction development of enterprises, one step ahead, and constantly go beyond, always allow customers to feel the difference of the enterprise of

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