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    • 1、本科毕业论文论家庭教育和学校教育的结合学生姓名: 学生学号: 3 院(系): 外国语学院 年级专业: 2003 级英语本科 3 班 指导教师: 二七年五月On Combination between Home Education and School EducationLiang LiangUnder the Supervision ofLi ZhenSchool of Foreign Languages and CulturesPanzhihua UniversityMay 2007攀枝花学院本科毕业论文 Contents ContentsAbstract.Key Words.摘要.关键词.Introduction.1I.The Significance of Combination of Home Education and School Education.2 A. Home Education Influence on School Education Greatly.21. Indirect Influence on Home Education.22. Direct Inf

      2、luence on Home Education.3B. Improving both Education Effectively.51. The Diversifications of Education Objects.62. The Consistency of Education Objective.6C. All-round Quality.7II.The Problems of Combination between Home Education and School Education.7A. Cooperation between Home Education and School Education.8B. Embarrassment between Home Education and School Education .9III. Measures to Combine the Home Education and School Education.9A. Keeping Communication with School Education Continuous

      3、ly.101. Connection before School Beginning.102. Involving Parents.11B. The Cooperation Principle of Home Education and School Education.121. The Purpose Principle.122. The Ruling Principle13Conclusion.15Acknowledgements.16Bibliography.17攀枝花学院本科毕业论文 Contents 攀枝花学院本科毕业论文 Abstract IAbstractHome education and school education can affect the students growth greatly; each of them plays an important role in the process of students growth. As the most important education during the process of childrens

      4、growth, how to bring their advantages have been a hot topic and also a difficult topic. Meanwhile, they still bring some disadvantages respectively. In order to serve for the growth of students we must combine home education with school education. The purpose of this essay is first to find out the significance of combining the home education with school education, and the difficulties we have to face, then strengthen the awareness of school teachers as well as home parents as to the significance

      5、 of synchronized combination between these two styles of education and adopt measures to combine them effectively.Key Wordscombination;home education;school education攀枝花学院本科毕业论文 摘要 II摘要当今社会是一个高速发展的社会,各种文化趋于多元化,教育首当其冲,家庭教育和学校教育作为学生一生中量重要的教育,怎样发挥家庭教育和学校教育各自的优势已成为一个热门话题和不得不重视的问题但是,家庭教育和学校教育也存在着自身的不足,只有把这二者结合起来,去其糟粕,取其精华,才能更好地发挥教育的优势,为学生的成长服务,实现学生的整体素质的全面发展文章研究家庭教育和学校教育结合的意义让大家意识到这二者结合的重要性。然而当它们互相结合在一起的时候,我们会发觉其实结合不像我们想象的那样简单。这就需要找到对策去解决结合所遇到的困难。关键词结合;家庭教育;学校教育攀枝花学院本科毕业论文 Introduction1IntroductionNo

      6、wadays, it is the hot topic to discuss how to improve all-round abilities of students. In fact, this is a difficult topic. Many teachers want to teach their students well, but they cannot find the best way to solve it. The parents also want their children to be useful persons, but sometimes they only push their children into the situation which lets them study hard just for getting high scores. At the same time, many people ignore the childrens physical and mental problems. Generally speaking, child is brought amid two kinds of education- home education and school education. If we put them together, the child can benefit from its synchronized effect and will improve personality considerably. If its hard to do it, at least we should try best to explore the ways to avoid the disadvantages. After overcoming the difficulties, what we can do is that we should understand the necessity and significance of combination two type of education, and come up with the efficient and eff


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