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    • 1、社会环境对农村青年生活方式的影响研究Research on Rural youth lifestyle研 究 生 姓 名: 周露 导师姓名、职称: 王翠绒 学 科 专 业: 社会学 研 究 方 向: 应用社会学 湖南师范大学学位评定委员会办公室二一六年 一月 摘要Abstract农村青年的生活方式不仅关系到其个人的幸福度提升,关系到农村的建设和发展,也关系到整个社会的和谐和稳定。了解社会环境对农村青年生活方式影响的现状,解决农村青年生活方式问题,促进农村青年健康发展,不仅是一个民生问题,也是一个科学发展观问题。因此,对农村青年的生活方式进行研究不仅具有较强的理论和现实意义,而且体现了一种人文社会关怀。基于湖南农村青年的调查数据,本研究实证考察了农村青年的生活方式状况,以及社会环境对农村青年生活方式的影响及其机制。在生活方式状况方面,对农村青年的劳动生活方式、消费生活方式、交往生活方式、闲暇生活方式和政治生活方式等五个具体生活方式领域进行了较为全面的描述与分析。其中,劳动生活方式主要包括农村青年的职业类型、劳动收入、职业满意度、就业环境与劳动保障等,消费生活方式主要包括农村青年的消费水平

      2、、消费结构、消费观念等, 交往生活方式主要包括农村青年的社会交往对象、社会交往目的、社会交往标准、社会交往方式等,闲暇生活方式主要包括农村青年的闲暇时间、闲暇活动、闲暇场所、闲暇生活满意度等,政治生活方式主要包括农村青年的政治认知状况、政治参与状况、政治评价状况等。在生活方式的影响因素方面,主要从就业环境、经济环境、人情环境、公共文化环境和政治环境等社会环境方面具体分析了其对农村青年不同生活方式领域的影响。研究结果发现,劳动生活方式方面,农村青年的职业社会地位总体较低,平均劳动收入不高,职业满意度水平较高,就业环境和劳动保障有待改善;消费生活方式方面,农村青年的消费水平较高,消费观念越来越“先进” ,然而消费结构有待进一步改善;交往生活方式方面,农村青年社会交往的圈子不断扩大,交往的目的主要是为了情感满足,在选择交友对象时更注重对方的个性特征和人格魅力,且更多地借助现代化的通讯工具、网络设备进行交往;闲暇生活方式方面,农村青年的闲暇时间较充裕,闲暇活动较多样但缺乏文化内涵,闲暇生活满意度水平比较高;政治生活方式方面,大部分农村青年具有较高的政治认知水平,然而农村青年的政治参与比例却不是

      3、很高。在社会环境对农村青年生活方式的影响方面,就业环境、经济环境、人情环境、公共文化环境、政治环境等方面分别对农村青年不同领域的生活方式具有不同程度的影响。最后,为引导农村青年形成科学、合理、健康、文明、可持续的现代化生活方式,促进农村青年成长发展,结合相关分析和研究发现,本研究从如下三个方面提出了对策建议:创造良好生活方式环境,促进农村青年生活方式发展;完善农村公共服务体系,推动农村青年生活方式变革;开展针对性的教育引导,解决农村青年生活方式问题;加强新型农村文化建设,实现农村青年生活方式转型。关键词:社会环境,生活方式,农村青年Rural youth lifestyle is not only related to personal happiness improvement but also connected to rural construction and development as well as the whole societys harmoniousness and stability.To know the current situation of rural

      4、youth lifestyle,solve the rural youth lifestyle problem,and promote healthy development of rural youth,it is not only a livelihood issue but a question of scientific development view.Therefore,to study rural youth lifestyle has great academic and practical significance,and reveals a human society care.Based on research data of Hunan Rural Youth,this research practically studies rural youth lifestyle condition and social environments effect to rural youth lifestyle and its mechanism.In the respec

      5、t of lifestyle condition,it comprehensively describes and analyzes five specific lifestyle,including rural youth life-style of labor,consuming lifestyle,communication lifestyle,leisure lifestyle and political lifestyle.Among them,lifestyle of labor covers rural youth career type,labor income,career satisfaction,job environment together with labor security etc.Consuming lifestyle includes rural youths consumption level,consumption structure,consumption concept,communication lifestyle includes rur

      6、al youths subjects of social communication,purpose of social communication,social communication standard,and social communication method,leisure lifestyle mainly includes rural youths leisure time, leisure activities, leisure places, leisure life satisfaction Polical lifestyle mainly covers rural youths political recognition, political participation, political evaluation In the respect of effects of lifestyle,it specificly analyzes different area of lifestyle from angles like job environment,eco

      7、nomic environment,human environment, public cultural environment and political environment.The research turns out that in the aspect of labor lifestyle,rural youths professional social status is overally low,the average labor income is not high,career satisfaction level is high,and job environment as well as labor security needs to be improved.The consuming lifestyle aspect,rural youth has a high consuming level and consuming concept is becoming more and more advanced,but consuming structure nee

      8、ds to be enhanced,as for communication lifestyle,rural youth communication circle is expanding,the purpose of communication is for emotion satisfaction,when choosing communication subject,rural youth pay more attention on personality traits and charm,and more dependable on model communication tool network devices.Regarding on leisure lifestyle,rural youth has plenty of leisure time with many leisure activities but lacks of culture connotation.Political lifestyle aspect,most rural youth has a hig

      9、h political recognition level,but the political participation rate is not high.Considering the effects of rural youth lifestyle caused by social environment,these factors like job environment,economic environment,human environment, public cultural environment and political environment,separately have different effects on rural youths lifestyle. At last,in order to guide rural youth have a scientific,reasonable, healthy,civilized and sustainable modern way of life,to promote rural youth development,combined with related analysis and research,this essay puts forward suggestions from three aspects as follows: To create a good way of life environment,promote rural youth lifestyle development,improve the rural public service system and push rural youth lifestyle change,to carry out targeted education guidance and solve rural youth lifestyle problem,which can strengthen the construction of


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