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    • 1、12016 年中考英语单项选择专题练习介词1掌握常见介词的基本用法;2学会运用由介词构成的短语;3区分运用易混淆介词。( )1(2015连云港)When is your birthday?I was born December 17This year Ill hold a birthday party for it at homeAon Bat Cin Dby( )2(2015临沂)For many Western people,they drink cold water even winterAon Bfor Cat Din( )3(2015威海)This road is usually busy rush hourAbetween Bamong Cin( )4(2015资阳)When I got into the room,Mr Green was talking the phoneAon Bwith Cto Din( )5(2015聊城)Mo Yans books are very popularYou can find they are on sale many languag

      2、esAin Bto Cwith Dat( )6(2015南充)Everyone is born the ability to learnAat Bon Cwith Din( )7(2015天津)Could you tell me the way the railway station?Go along this road and soon youll find itAat Bto Cin Dbetween( )8(2015重庆 B)Whats this English?Its a mapAon Bin Cto Dfor( )9(201 5汕尾)World Reading Day is April 23Its special day that was founded in 1995 by the UNAon;a Bin;a Con;an Din;an( )10(2015日照)His opinions are similar yours but different JuliasAto;from Bfrom;to2Cas;with Dwith ;as( )11(2015青岛)Robert H

      3、unt sometimes advises the students common problemsAin Babout Cwith Dfor( )12(2015益阳)The bank is the bookstore and the post officeAat the front ofBamongCbetween( )13(2015烟台)Welcome to our storeWe have skirts all colours $16 eachAat;in Bin ;for Cat;at Din;in( )14(2015绵阳)Jeff pleased everybody by making his dog walk two legsAby Bover Cfrom Don( )15(2015安顺)When is Lang Langs concert?Its three oclock the afternoon of December 18thAat;in Bat;on Con;in Din ;on( )16(2015泰州)I like the weather in KunmingI

      4、ts warm all year longYesAnd the temperature stays zero all the timeAat Bbelow Caround Dabove( )17(2015宜昌)Many teenagers put mobile gaming other things and spend too much time on itThats really badAup to Bas forCahead of Dalong with( )18(2015黄冈) my surprise,Jin Ming was chosen into our school football teamCongratulation. He did well playing football when he was very youngI hope hell be the best player in our schoolATo;of BAt;atCTo;in DIn;about( )19(2015恩施)There are some pples the tree and some bi

      5、rds are staging the treeAon;on B in;on Con;in( )20(2015无锡)Its really you not to tell your parents about the problemsDo you think you can solve them on your own?Asmart of Bsmart forCsilly of Dsilly for3( )21(2015苏州)In cold winter,the temperature in Harbin often remains zero all dayAabove Bbelow Cover Dunder( )22(2015安徽)The Dragon Boat Festival this year will come four daysAafter Bfor Cduring Din( )23(2015潍坊)You must be careful when you swim the lakeAacross Bbelow Cover Dthrough( )24(2015杭州)Ben wa

      6、s helping his mother when the rain began to beat heavily the windowsAbelow Bacross Cbehind Dagainst( )25(2015南京)In the picture,the chair is the tableAunder Bon Cabove Dbeside( )26(2015福州)Do you remember what she looked like when you first met her?Of courseShe was tall and thin long hairAin Bwith Con( )27(2015凉山)Do you know Victory Day in China?Yesits September 3rd each yearIt tells the world that Chinese people love Peace and hate warsChinese people will never forget the history Ain;on Bon;Cat;

      7、Don;in( )28(2015滨州)My mother says my friend is similar me,but I think she is differentmeAas;from Bto;fromCto;to Das ;to( )29(2015盐城)This photo reminded the old man the days when he was youngAwith B for Cby Dof( )30(2015乐山)Has Mike received his mothers mail?Yes,he signed for it this morningAin person Bin fact Cin silence( )31(2015广东)Could you give me a hand? I cant complete the task on time your helpAwithout BunderCwith Dfor( )32(2015铜仁)4Excuse me,where is the bookstore?Go the bridgeYou11 see it on your leftAon BcrossCacross Dthrough( )33(2015莱芜)Anna is in a hurry because the train is leaving half an hourAfor Bby Cin Dafter( )34(2015孝感)Jennys uncle is a scientistShe is proud him.Afrom Bat Cin Dof(


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