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    • 1、京版六下知识框架图(完整版)Unit Theme Function Lesson Sentence Pattern Words and Phrases1 -What are you looking for, Lingling?-Im looking for my glass. I cant find it. backpack, glass, glasses, scissors, glue, sun, fat, bodylook for, a golden sun, a fat dog, black spots, on the dogs body, a pair of glasses, a pair of scissors, a glueOne Possessions Talking about possessions2 -Im looking for my pencil case. -I can help you. What shape is it?- Its a rectangular one. diamond, oval, triangle, heart, mirror, stic

      2、ker, wide, passa Mickey Mouse, a diamond-shaped card, an oval-shaped mirror, a triangle-shaped stamp, a heart-shaped sticker, a pencil case4 -Whats his hobby?-Hes interested in collecting stamps. lawyer, strong, hobby, interested, collect, niece, nephew, wife, husband, uncle, aunt, cousinbe interested in, collect key rings, collect stickers, collect fans, collect postersTwo Family membersDescribing family members 5 -When was your mother born?-She was born on Nov. 23rd, 1966.paint, crya cute litt

      3、le girl, like doing sth. , paint pictures, enjoy doing sth.7 -What can we do to protect the environment?-We shouldnt throw litter on the ground. earth, save, planet, protect, energy, throw, litterWorld Earth Day, save our planet, protect the environment, throw litter, on the ground, save water, save energy, save paper, turn off the lights, leave the lights on, protect wild animals, kill wild animals, plant more trees, cut trees downThree EnvironmentTalking about how to protect the environment8 -

      4、What can we do to make our mother earth more beautiful?-We can plant more trees and grass. We should stop cutting too many trees. cut, waste, side, drop, recycle, rivermake earth beautiful, plant grass, waste paper, on both side of paper, use cloth bags, use plastic bags, keep the rivers clean, pour dirty things into the rivers, stop doing sth. Unit Theme Function Lesson Sentence Pattern Words and Phrases12 -May I speak to Mike, please?-Hold on, please. / Just a second. Mike, its for you. Monday

      5、, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday visit Beijing, hold on Five Weather Talking about weather 13 I cant wait. Ill pack and get ready for the trip. Another, minute, pack, ready, January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, Decemberthis weekend, four clear seasons, all year round, in winter, listen to CD, try on, get excited, make snowmen, play with snowballs 15 -What can we do for our school before we leave?-We can do many things. be

      6、fore, storybook, schoolmate, under, idea,leave sth. to sb., grow flowers, pick up litter, pick the wallet, the sick dog, buy a tie for Father, the middle school Six Middle schoolTalking about middle shcools16 We have about the same subjects. US, playground, most, activity, subject, interest, foodget back to the US, a big playground, ball games, after-class activities, sports activities18 You taught us a lot. Youre a wonderful teacher. want, always, friendlywrite down, learn sth. from sb, help sb a lot, our best friend, a wonderful teacher, a kind girl, a wonderful dog, a great scientistSeven Farewell Preparing a thank-you card to the teacher and talking about the middle school24 Ill call you. Lets keep in touch. international, street, possible, touchan international school, in the same school, be able to, play football, be across the street, call sb. up, be free, get together, keep in touch, write to sb. send sb emails, come and see sb. often


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