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    • 1、2012Text A11. worked for freshwater conservation for nonprofit purposes.12. His house was equipped with advanced water-saving facilities.13. how I could contribute to water conversation.14. his lifestyle was too extravagant.15. exaggeration.16. Humorous.Text B17. found that interest in reunions was linked with school experience.18. U.S. class reunions are usually occasions to show off ones recent success.19. Shared undergraduate experience on campus.20. bring into focus contrasting opinions.21.

      2、Reasons for popularity and (non)attendance for alumni reunions.Text C22. showed a wide interest.23. Mr. Cattanzara was surprised at Georges reading plan.24. remained the same as usual.25. was dissatisfied with his life and surroundings.Text D26. no activities can be compared to those in 1909.27. Variety and magnitude of celebration activities.28. resulted in similar disparaging remarks on Lincoln.29. reveals the variety of current opinions on heroes.30. Lincolns greatness remains despite the pas

      3、sage of time2011TEXT A11. A the family structure12. B English working class homes have spacious sitting rooms13. C stark14. A togetherness15. B constant pressure from the stateTEXT B16. A it further explains high-tech hubris17. B slow growth of the US economy18. A integrated the use of paper and the digital form19. C more digital data use leads to greater paper use20. A he review the situation from different perspectivesTEXT C21. D because Britons are still conscious of their class status22. D i

      4、ncome is unimportant in determining which class one belongs to23. C Occupation and class are no longer related to each other24. C fewer types of work25. A showing modestyTEXD D26. D awkwardness27. B luxurious28. A they the couple as an object of fun29. C sweeping over the horizon, a precipice30. B the couple feel ill at ease2010 TEXTA11. A. taking foreign tourists around the city.12. C. Their living standards are very low in Kolkata.13. B. the poor from Bihar fare better than back home.14. A. ho

      5、ld mixed feelings towards rickshaws.15. D.“or, as I found during the 48 hours of rain, absolutely everything but umbrellas.” (6 paragraph)16 C. the difficulty of finding a good solution.TEXTB17. C. Lines are now for ordinary Americans only18. A. Going through the customs at a Canadian airport.19. D. exploit waiting in lines for their own good20. B. Humorous.TEXTC21. A. modern realistic commercialism existed behind the luxurious appearance. (在 华丽外表的背后是现实的商业主义22. B. “perhaps a new barbarism.23. B.

      6、 exploit(剥削) gullible(以受骗的) people like him.24. B. The caf was both full of people and full of warmth.(没提有没人)25. C. Turgis welcomed the lift like a conquering soldier.26. A. fundamentally critical.TEXTD27. D. great value for livelihood.28. D. The project symbolizes and end to the colonial legacies.29. A. fewer fishing companies.30. C. elaborates on the last part of the 3 paragraph.2009.TEXTA11. C. the city is between the familiar and the exotic.12. A. The family found the city was exactly what t

      7、hey had expected.13. D. they preferred fashion and brand names.14. B. a professional guide is a must.15. D. shopping mall boutiques.TEXTB16. D. its impact on the developed world whose workforce is ageing.17 C. encouraging former employees to work overseas.18. B. the company improves the working conditions in its factories.19. D. they have other options to consider.20. B. describing the actual status- introducing the issue-citing ways to deal with the issue-offering reasons.TEXTC21. B. play down

      8、her success, making it sound unimportant22. D. is sure must change.23. C. Convention (Paragraph Two).24. A. sometimes make the first advances in love.25. A. Men are equally serious about courtship.TEXTD26. D. daunting.27. D. personal belongings.28. D. a panoramic view29. D. .he slowly, stiffly struggled forward and up the rough stone steps.30. A. a sense of awe. 2008 TEXTA11. C. select students on their high school grades only.12. B. The system has reduced the number of cram schools.13. D. low c

      9、ost of private education.14. A. between universities and the government.15. C. Negative.TEXTB16B. He used to work in the television industry.17. D. knowledge of marketing,18. C. Influence of TV productions.19. D. Publicity as a result of media coverage20. B. more authentic foods are being produced in Britain.TEXTC21. C. people perform castells in different formations.22. A. the Catalonians are insensible and noisy people.23. D. comparison with other regions24. D. Theatrical performers like to perform on the Ramblas25. B. It is of average quality.TEXTD26. C. They were all recovering from drinking.27. A. His name came off the letterhead as the debts piled up.28. D. Bogan decided to hire Patrick nine years earlier.29. B. extravagant30. C. There had even been talk of a firm jet, a six-seater.2007TEXTA11. C. create a better state of equality among the nations. 12. A. separatist13. D. status of the national language14


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